
Lockout Verrouillage

This material has been extracted from the Acts and Regulations of the Province to help students understand the subject. It is not an official source of information and must not be used for any other purpose.

The following is © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009 – 2009

Occupational Health and Safety Act - R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851

42.  (1)  The power supply to electrical installations, equipment or conductors shall be disconnected, locked out of service and tagged before any work is done, and while it is being done, on or near live exposed parts of the installations, equipment or conductors.
(2)  Before beginning the work, each worker shall determine if the requirements of subsection (1) have been complied with.
(3)  Locking out is not required,
(a) if the conductors are adequately grounded with a visible grounding mechanism; or
(b) if the voltage is less than 300 volts and there is no locking device for the circuit breakers or fuses and procedures are in place adequate to ensure that the circuit is not inadvertently energized.
(4)  If locking out is not required for the reason set out in clause (3)(b), the employer shall ensure that the procedures required by that clause are carried out.
(5)  If more than one worker is involved in the work referred to in subsection (1), the worker who disconnected and locked out the power supply shall communicate the purpose and status of the disconnecting and locking out.
(6)  If a tag is used as a means of communication, the tag,
(a) shall be made of non-conducting material;
(b) shall be secured to prevent its inadvertent removal;
(c) shall be placed in a conspicuous location;
(d) shall state the reason the switch is disconnected and locked out;
(e) shall show the name of the worker who disconnected and locked out the switch; and
(f) shall show the date on which the switch was disconnected and locked out.
(7)  The employer shall establish and implement written procedures for compliance with this section. O. Reg. 630/94, s. 1.
42.1  (1)  This section applies and section 42 does not apply if it is not practical to disconnect electrical installations, equipment or conductors from the power supply before working on, or near, live exposed parts of the installations, equipment or conductors.